Youth Services

Focused on high risk young adults ages 16 to 24, this program assists participants with completing their high school diploma or equivalency and obtaining paid work experience in a career field of their interest to increase employability.  Many participants are former foster youth with other participants including parenting youth who are parenting, basic skills deficient, with a disability, or English language learners.  This program is run in partnership with Folsom Cordova Unified School District’s Adult Education and funded by federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act through the Sacramento Employment and Training Agency.

REfugee youth mentoring

A successful start is vital. One on one mentor support is provided to refugee and asylee youth in the United States for five years or less. This program is for youth, ages 15 to 24 years old, and is designed to help connect them to their new country well, through skill building activities including job readiness training and financial literacy.  Additionally, this programs helps youth develop goals in the areas of academic achievement, career development and community connection while connecting with a culturally competent mentor to provide guidance and encouragement on their journey.

 If you would like more information about our Youth Services, please contact Madeline Morrigan, Youth Services Manager, at or 916-294-9107 ext. 840503.

Program Information and Details

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