Community Support Services

Not having basic needs met can be highly stressful. Community Support Services at our Family Resource Center focus on addressing these needs while serving as a gateway to additional services. This approach helps us reach populations that might otherwise "fall through the cracks" of a more traditional social services system.

Other Community Support Services include Safety Net services available during designated hours each week, where participants receive immediate tangible resources during times of hardship. Referrals to local partners empower families with the knowledge and tools to access essential services.

For more information about our Community Support Services, please contact Marisol Anaya, Home Visitation Manager, at or by phone at 916-361-8684. 

If you would like more information about our Community Support Services, please email or call 916-361-8684.

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A Success Story

A family stopped by our Safety Net program after seeing our sign in the hallway advertising crisis support. The family indicated they had just moved from Southern California because Richard* (the father) had been laid off.  They were temporarily living with Richard’s family while searching for work.  According to Gina* (the mother), they had "never had to rely on the government for help" and were somewhat hesitant to even walk in to the organization. Gina appeared to be in distress, while Richard tried to reassure her that everything would be alright.

Community Support Services provided the family with diapers, food and bus passes, as well as our Family Resource Center calendar and a resource packet. Our staff explained our agency and the services we offer.  Staff also provided employment information for Richard and Department of Human Assistance’s information to help them sign-up for Medi-Cal, Cal-Fresh, Cash-aid, and child care information. When Gina stepped away for a minute, Richard mentioned that Gina was suffering from depression and asked if we had some resources for that as well. Staff provided counseling resources and encouraged Gina to attend the free Zumba and Women in Action classes where she could connect with other moms in the community.

In an updated with the family, Gina shared she signed up for Medi-Cal for her family and was approved for Cal-Fresh.  She also began attending the Zumba and Women in Action classes as well as participated in other activities as well.  Richard found a job quickly and staff closed the case because the family was plugged in and utilizing all of the available resources.

Staff were able to see the impact FCCP had on this family a year later, when Gina shared her success with us after a Zumba class. Gina mentioned how grateful she was that she had the courage to walk into the organization and ask for help.  She stated, “This was exactly what I needed.  My daughter loves to attend Playcare and has been opening up more socially."  Gina’s daughter was very timid and was terrified to be away from her parents. Now she is more independent and is making friends.